EXPOSVRE is a user-centric social media platform unlike any other. EXPOSVRE empowers you to take control and make choices without algorithms. EXPOSVRE offers new creative freedoms, multiple ways for you to profit financially in a beautiful, positive environment.

Our community is made up of diverse voices and encourages discovery. EXPOSVRE does not tolerate hate, harmful content or toxic behavior. EXPOSVRE offers deeper connections and exclusive opportunities and immersive experiences. No political advertising or fundraising.

EXPOSVRE is designed to spark your creativity and enrich your life.

What Device(s) Is EXPOSVRE Available On?

Initially, EXPOSVRE is available on iOS smartphones and can be downloaded through the Apple store. Coming soon, EXPOSVRE will be available on android devices.

What Are EXPOSVRE’s  Unique User Features?

  • Users have the creative freedom to share images, videos, films and words as intended following EXPOSVRE’s Community Guidelines. 
  • Users can choose their preferences without algorithms, have control to turn on and off the number of followers, views, and edit or delete comments. 
  • Users are in control of their pages, posts and feeds following EXPOSVRE’s Community Guidelines.
  • Users earn revenue when an advertisement runs on their feeds. EXPOSVRE shares 5% of the advertising revenue it receives with users.
  • Users can curate their pages, collections, and create galleries simply by finger touch on mobile device screens. 
  • Daily, EXPOSVRE editorial stories will be delivered into your feed. The stories are positive looks at the best in life, entertainment, the arts and fashion. 
  • Users can buy, sell or promote art, music, exclusive immersive experiences, and limited edition collections on EXPOSVRE’s Market in just a few clicks and gain 90% of the revenue less Stripe’s transaction fee (2.9% + .30c per).

Coming Soon…

In our next phase of development, we will introduce some amazing new features including:

  • New creative tools: users will be able to edit images, videos and retouch photos and on the platform.
  • Community recognition & awards: users will receive recognition and awards for serving the community in various ways.

Have Suggestions? Improvements? Run Into Any Tech Or Other Issues?

We’d love to hear from you.  Please email us at hello@exposvre.com.

Need Customer Service? 

Please reach out to us at customerservice@exposvre.com.

To Help Report Content That Violates EXPOSVRE’s Community Guidelines?

Thanks for keeping our community as free as possible from hateful and harmful content and toxic behavior.  If you see something that violates our Community Guidelines, please report:  content@exposvre.com.


What Safeguards Does EXPOSVRE Have In Place To Protect My Data?

1. We use encrypted communication. Basically, all the user data that goes from the user to the server or vice-versa is encrypted in a way so that only the app and the server can decrypt and access that data. This protects from so-called “man in the middle” attacks where someone might intercept the data between the user and server. This is implemented using SSL certificates, which are basically like encryption keys, and encryption libraries which handle things like checking the validity of those keys, can do complex math to encode and decode encrypted data and so on.

2. We use request signing when the app interacts with the server. Basically, each time the app sends a network request to the server (to request content, to update the profile, and pretty much any other action), those requests have a piece of data tied to them

called a token. Those tokens are generated by the server when a person logs in and given to the app to use. Thus, the server can check for the presence of the token in any request and figure out if the request came from our app or not, refusing requests without a valid token. Not only that, but checking the token allows the server to be sure which user sent the request, without the need to send the user’s username & password in each request. This prevents malicious parties from potentially using the server API of the app or trying to do a request on behalf of a different user.

3. The server of the app has special software installed and configured which protects it from someone utilizing a so-called brute force attack. This type of attack works by having a malicious party automatically try logging in as someone and try out a different password one by one on a mass scale, such as trying popular passwords from a giant list or just trying random passwords one after another. The idea is that at some point through sheer amount of tries it will stumble upon a password that will match the user’s one and thus the malicious party will figure out a user’s password. This can only work when someone can send many of those requests (usually hundreds of thousands and even millions) and have a server work on sending those requests for hours, days, sometimes weeks.

The software on our server actively checks all of the login attempts and can detect attempts of a brute force attack, such as noticing that the same network source (e.g. server) has unsuccessfully tried to login a specific amount of times during a specific amount of time, the software then temporarily bans the user from trying more. This isn’t something which regular users would usually trip on, but this throws a wrench into any attempts of automatically sending thousands or millions of those requests. These three items aren’t something unique but basically examples of modern best practices for web services and apps.

Please click here to read more about EXPOSVRE’s Community Privacy Policies including  your data protection safeguards & rights.

Two -Factor Authorization:

For added security, we recommend that you set up two- factor authorization. To set up, go to your “Settings Menu” and then to “Security” and input your phone number. Once you enter your phone number, you will be texted a code to input into the confirmation screen. Please note that you will be asked to input a code every time you log in.

Password Reset? You can trigger this from the login screen.  You can also update your password from your account settings when you are logged in.  

How Do I Create An Account?

  • Download the EXPOSVRE app from the Apple App Store
  • Once the App is installed, tap on it to open.
  • Tap Create New Account then enter your email address or phone (which will require a confirmation code) and tap next.
  • Create a username and password, fill out your profile info and then tap next.

How do I Set My Content Preferences?

On your profile page, you can set your content preferences by checking boxes next to content categories. Be sure not to set your preferences so narrowly so you don’t miss out on some new artists and discoveries.

Please note that there are posts that will contain nudity. If you do not wish to view nudity simply do not check the boxes next to nudity.

Do I Need An EXPOSVRE Membership Card? 

If you would like to buy, sell, sample products, provide incentives and exclusive experiences, you will need to set up an EXPOSVRE Membership Card. To get an EXPOSVRE Membership Card, enter the information requested. Please note that your card will be linked to Stripe. All your card information will be kept as securely and safely as possible by Stripe. EXPOSVRE does not have access to any of this information. For more information on Stripe’s privacy policy:  https://stripe.com/privacy To learn how to set up your Stripe Account, including your payment information, state/local or VAT taxes for sales:  https://youtu.be/JEtALC2t5dY

How Do I Create A Post?

  • You can create a post and upload content by tapping the pink “+” button. 
  • You will be asked to select if you would like to create a post or market post (to sell or give away an item or experience). 
  • Choose “Create post.” You will be able to add an image or multiple images to a post by clicking the pink “+” next to “File.”
  • Select your image(s) from your gallery to upload.
  • Create a title for your post.
  • Create a description for your post.
  • Add “tags,” to your post if you wish. 
  • Click “Create Post,” to upload your content. 

What Is The Maximum Size Of Images And Videos I Can Upload?

  • Photos: 36 MB. 
  • Videos: Cap of 500mb which can be about 10 minutes of footage at 1080p.

What Is the Maximum Length of Characters I Can Use? 

  • Title:  24 characters
  • Description:  35 characters
  • Post Text:  1000 characters.

What Content Can I Share On EXPOSVRE

On EXPOSVRE, you can share images, videos, and words without manipulation following EXPOSVRE’s Community Guidelines.  If you are a Verified Artist (see below), you will have more creative freedom that allows you to share uncensored art, including nudity. 

Apple’s New Rules on Sensitive Content

Apple defines sensitive content as content containing nudity. Apple has recently rolled out a new “Sensitive Content” warning feature that blurs photos and videos containing nudity.  We believe that content warnings are a slippery slope into censorship.  However, in order to be available to users on the Apple store, EXPOSVRE has had to add a warning feature that blurs photos and videos containing nudity. Users can choose to view by clicking on the blurred screen.

This feature is triggered by the user.  When you create a post containing nudity, you will check the box labeled “uncensored art”.   Please note that you are not required to check the box but we ask that you do so in order to meet Apple’s new guideline. Whether we’re for or against content warnings, most of us would agree that censoring art is never good.  Often, difficult content has beneficial social and cultural impact.  We hope that in the future, we will be able to remove this warning feature.

How Do I Become A Verified Artist? If you are an established working artist, you automatically become a Verified Artist and will receive an EXPOSVRE Verified Artist icon on your page. If you are not an established working artist, yet you create original art from a range of disciplines including visual arts, architecture, sculpture, literature, music, performing arts and film, we welcome you to apply for Artist Verification by submitting images of 5 examples of your work to artistverification@exposvre.com.

Do We Have A Content Violation Policy?

EXPOSVRE adheres to a 3 Strike Policy when content violates EXPOSVRE’s Community Content Guidelines. Our 3 Strike Content Policy is a policy where users are given three chances to rectify violations of EXPOSVRE’s Content Guidelines before more severe actions, such as permanent suspension, are taken. This policy emphasizes the importance of following our content guidelines while also allowing for more severe actions when necessary to protect our community from hateful content, harmful content, toxic behavior, disinformation and misinformation. 

We take content violations seriously. Our 3 Strike Policy is in place to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all users.

Content That Will Be Banned Immediately?

  • Illegal (terrorism, pedophilia, extortion, fraud, pornography, sex and human trafficking)
  • Personal and confidential information (doxing)
  • Malware
  • Impersonation
  • Misinformation
  • Incites a threat of violence
  • Political Advertising and Promotion of Political Parties, Candidates, Political Fundraising, Ballot Referendums or Changes in Existing Laws or Creation of New Laws.

The EXPOSVRE Community 3 Strike Policy

Here’s a general outline of how our 3 Strike Policy works:

First Strike: Warning: We understand that violations may occur unintentionally. To resolve this, please:

  1. 1. Review EXPOSVRE’s Community Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with our rules to avoid future violations.
  2. 2. Remove or Edit Violating Content: Please remove or edit the content to align with our policies.
  3. 3. Contact Us: If you have questions or believe there has been a misunderstanding, please contact our support team at content@exposvre.com.

Further violations may result in additional strikes.

Second Strike: One Month Suspension

As a consequence for violating EXPOSVRE’s Content Guidelines to for a second time, your account will be temporarily suspended for one month. During this suspension, you will not be able to access your account.

To resolve this issue and avoid further strikes, please:

  1. 1. Review EXPOSVRE’s Community Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with our rules.
  2. 2. Reflect on Your Actions: Understand the importance of complying with our guidelines.
  3. 3. Contact Us: If you have questions or believe there has been a misunderstanding, please contact our support team at content@exposvre.com.

Third Strike: One Year Suspension

Due to the severity of a third content violation, your account will be suspended for one year. If you come back to the platform following the year suspension and post content that violates EXPOSVRE’s Community Guidelines, you will be suspended permanently and no longer have access to your account or our platform.

We value the safety and well-being of our community and take these actions to ensure a respectful environment for all users.

If you believe there has been a mistake or wish to discuss this further, please contact our support team at content@exposvre.com.

How And Why We Monitor Content Aggressively?

We take hate speech very seriously.  As you may know, hate speech has been on the rise, especially online, and has been having harmful effects on users.  In fact, there is a direct correlation between online hate speech and physical crimes against minorities and marginalized people.

EXPOSVRE uses physical, organizational, and technical safeguards to actively monitor content to protect all users regardless of ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease from hateful and harmful content, including the use of WebPurify content moderation software for text, images and moving images with rules and classifications based on EXPOSVRE’s Community Guidelines and a dedicated team of human scanners, called Scanners, who review content 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. When Scanners find content that violates EXPOSVRE’s Community Content Guidelines, the content will be taken down and the creator will be informed by email of this content violation and supplied with links to EXPOSVRE’s Community Guidelines and EXPOSVRE’s 3 Strike Policy.

We encourage all users to help us keep our community environment as safe as possible from hateful and harmful content and toxic behavior by reporting content that violates EXPOSVRE’s Community Guidelines. To report potential content violations, please email us at content@exposvre.com.

No safeguards we have in place are perfect or impenetrable. But, together we can monitor content aggressively to maintain a safe and inclusive community environment as possible. Soon we will request user volunteers to become part of EXPOSVRE’s Peace Patrol to further increase our moderation of content and receive recognition and rewards.

How Are We Defining Hate And Harmful Speech/Content?

Cultural and linguistic differences make a general definition of hate speech difficult to formulate.  EXPOSVRE’s Community Guidelines define hate and harmful speech/content as:

Content that promotes violence against or directly attacks or threatens other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease. Our community does not allow accounts whose primary purpose is inciting harm towards others based on these above categories or attempting to spread misinformation or disinformation. Examples of what we do not tolerate includes, but are not limited to behavior that harasses individuals or groups of people with: violent threats wishes for the physical harm, death, or disease of individuals or groups references to mass murder, violent events, or specific means of violence in which/with which such groups have been the primary targets or victims behavior that incites fear about a protected group repeated and/or non-consensual slurs, epithets, racist and sexist tropes, or other content that dehumanizes, shames, degrades, dehumanizes or reinforces negative stereotypes.

Add above any of the below missing:  

  • Derogation (contempt, stereotyping and negative generalizations, hateful slurs and epithets, and delegitimization)
  • Dehumanisation (comparing individuals and groups to, or labeling them as non-human entities)
  • Adversarial elevation (describing groups as threateningly superhuman, emotionless)
  • Threatening harm (threatening violent harm, non-violent harm, exclusion)
  • Inciting harm (inciting violent harm, non-violent harm, exclusion)
  • Glorification of hateful entities and denial of atrocities
  • Animosity (undermining groups, accusation of special treatment, mocking and insensitive humor, othering)
  • In-group superiority (claiming superiority over an out-group)

We also forbid the use of hateful imagery, such as symbols associated with hate groups, images depicting others as less than human or non-human, and moving images (e.g. gifs, video) containing any of the above.

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom, 1994

How do I Create A Market Post  (to sell, sample, provide incentives or experiences)?

  • You can create a Market post by tapping the white + button which then turns pink. 
  • You will be asked to select if you would like to create a post or market post. 
  • Choose a “market” post.
  • You will then upload an image of the item you are selling, sampling or providing an incentive or experience  by clicking the white + button next to “file.”
  • You can then add your item’s Title, Description, and quantity for sale. 
  • Once you fill out the above items, you can click “next” to input more details for your sale.
  • Type price (which can be set to public or private upon request)
  • Cost of item
  • You can mark the item “free” if you are doing a giveaway. Shipping costs may be incurred by the buyer.
  • If there is a shipping price, it will be set by the seller.
  • You can mark the “shipping price included” if you wish. 
  • Duration of the sale:  sale is live for as long as you want it to be.
  • Limited Sale (you decide on a date and time when the sale will end). 

How Do I Get Paid?

 You will get paid directly by the buyer through your Stripe Account that can be linked directly to your bank account.

What Are The Selling/Transaction Fees?

EXPOSVRE charges 10% fee and Stripe charges 2.9% +.30c per transaction.  These fees will be deducted from the proceeds of your sale. The remaining amount will be paid directly by Stripe into your linked bank account.  

How Does Shipping Work?


  • Shipping items will be the responsibility of the seller. 
  • Sellers can keep track of sales by going into the “My Transactions,”menu and selecting “My Sales.”
  • Initially, sellers will manually pull the names of the buyers, item(s) purchased and shipping address from “My Transactions”.
  • Once an item has been shipped to a customer, the Seller will need to update the order status to “complete,” and input the method of shipment and tracking data. 
  • As the seller, you will decide what shipping option to use and provide the details to the buyer (note: this applies to the initial phase of the app).

Please note:  If you have a merchandise or other fulfillment company who handles your sales and shipping, your team will need to pull the buyer information and give it to your merchandise/fulfillment company or allow them access to the app to do the transaction(s) directly.


  • Buyers will provide their shipping information during the purchase process if they have not already added their shipping information to their profile. 
  • Buyers can keep track of orders by going into the “My Transactions,” menu and selecting “My Purchases.”
  • Buyers will be able to see all the items they have purchased and see the status of each item. 
  • Once a seller has completed the sale and shipped out the item, sale status will say “Complete,” and a tracking number will be provided to the buyer. 

Please note:  In the initial version of the app, the buyer will not be able to choose the shipping option.  The seller will decide which shipping option to use and provide the details to the buyer. 

How Can I Return An Item?  Or If I have An Issue With The Item Or Experience I Purchased?

The seller and buyer decide on how to handle a return. They will have the ability to message each other so they can coordinate with each other. It will be the seller’s discretion if they wish to replace, refund or not. 

When Can I Expect To Receive The Item After I Purchased It?

The seller informs the buyer of the shipping method and expected delivery date. 

Understanding Our Policies on Selling Items

Our policies are often based on country and state laws and on input from our users or our own discretion, especially on dangerous or sensitive items, and experiences

When selling internationally, be sure you are aware of the pertinent international trading policies.  Although certain items or experiences might be legal to sell and buy in one country might be illegal in another.

What Items Are Prohibited To Be Sold on the EXPOSVRE Market?

Before you list an item or experience to sell or giveaway, please make sure we allow it on the EXPOSVRE Market. Please scroll below for EXPOSVRE’s List of Prohibited and Restricted Items. You must also make sure that the items and experiences you sell, or giveaway comply with all laws and payment service(s) offered on EXPOSVRE. Stripe is our payment processing service.

List of Items Prohibited To Be Sold on EXPOSVRE:

Animal & Wildlife Products 

EXPOSVRE is committed to animal welfare and the protection of native, endangered, and threatened species, so products from endangered or protected species can’t be listed.  Also, animal traps are prohibited.

  • Sellers can list certain animal and wildlife products on EXPOSVRE such as faux or reproductions of animal products. However, it is up to the seller to check whether selling or shipping these items requires a license, permit, or other paperwork.


  • We don’t allow counterfeit items or unauthorized copies to be listed on EXPOSVRE.

Disaster & Tragedy

Showing respect and sensitivity to our global community of members is very important to EXPOSVRE. We don’t allow members to sell items that are hurtful to the victims of tragic events such as terrorist attacks or natural disasters. 

  • Listings or items that portray, glorify, or attempt to profit from human tragedy or suffering, or that are insensitive to victims of such events, are not allowed.


EXPOSVRE prohibits the sale and promotion of drugs,  drug paraphernalia and drug dispensaries:

  • CBD
  • Herbal drugs
  • Accessories & paraphernalia associated with drug use
  • Illegal drugs

Electronic Equipment

To comply with the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations and to protect the safety and privacy of our members, there are restrictions around the sale of electrical and electronic equipment.

  • Electronic equipment used to transmit or receive signals or for surveillance is not allowed.

Embargoed Goods

Sellers can’t list embargoed goods or pre-embargoed goods from these countries or regions:

  • Cuba
  • Crimea, Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) and Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR) regions of Ukraine (as defined under applicable sanctions)
  • Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea)
  • Iran
  • Russia
  • Syria

Note: Organizations, businesses, or individuals based in the countries listed above, or those on the United States’ Specially Designated Nationals (SDNs) list can’t register accounts on EXPOSVRE.

Emissions Control

  • Products that bypass, defeat or render inoperative emission-control systems aren’t allowed, either on their own or when combined with other hardware or software.

Event Tickets

  • Event ticket sales must follow all government laws.


Certain food products are not allowed on EXPOSVRE.  We take the health and safety of our members very seriously.The following and similar food items are not allowed:

  • Unpasteurized dairy products (except cheese that follows government guidelines)
  • Unpasteurized fruit or vegetable juice
  • Wild mushroom (except for morel and shitake mushrooms)
  • Ackee fruit or seeds
  • Expired food
  • Government assistance benefits that can be used for food

Guns & Weapons

  • Guns & Weapons are not allowed on EXPOSVRE (including BB guns, airsoft, and air rifles or air pistols, replica, toys, prop guns or other imitation firearms).

Hazardous Materials

  • Materials such as carcinogens, combustibles, explosive precursors, ozone-depleting chemicals, poisons, radioactive materials and items that contain or release such substances are prohibited on EXPOSVRE.


Illegal Drugs, Firearms and any other illegal items are not allowed on EXPOVRE.

Intangible Items

  • Intangible items or anything a buyer can’t confirm that they’ve received are not allowed on EXPOSVRE.

International Items

  • Members are responsible for checking that their transactions are lawful in the buyer’s country, as well as in their own.

Live Animals

  • Pets and most live animals aren’t allowed to be sold on EXPOSVRE.

Lottery Tickets

  • Lottery tickets are not allowed to be sold on EXPOSVRE.

Medical Devices

  • Any medical device that requires a prescription can’t be sold on EXPOSVRE.

Military Items

  • The sale of explosives and military ordnance can’t be sold on EXPOSVRE including:weapons or ammunition, regardless of whether the item is considered demilitarized or unserviceable and items for military use only.

Offensive items

  • Listings or content that promote or glorify hatred, violence, or discrimination aren’t allowed.

Personal Information

  • Selling private information, social media items, and software or tools that send unsolicited contacts aren’t allowed.

Pesticide Products

  • Pesticide products are not allowed on eBay

Plants & Seeds

Plants or seeds prohibited by government or shipping regulations are not allowed including:

  • Endangered plants
  • Plants and seeds located outside the U.S. are not allowed due to U.S. import restrictions
  • Noxious weeds

Note: Sellers should check with the USDA and National Plant Board to determine if an item is restricted or prohibited.

Police Items

To help prevent impersonation, we don’t allow certain police or emergency service-related items to be listed for sale including police and emergency response uniforms, equipment, or accessories.

Prescription Drugs

Products containing prescription-strength medication are not allowed. Over-the-counter medications, herbal products, vitamins and veterinary medicines must follow FDA guidelines for listing.

Price Gouging

  • Offering items at a price higher than is considered fair or reasonable is not allowed on EXPOSVRE. 
  • Sellers offering essential items must offer them at reasonable prices, and may not attempt to unreasonably profit from increased demand or decreased supply caused by emergencies or disasters are not allowed

Product Safety

  • To ensure the safety and well-being of our members, EXPOSVRE does not allow listings for items that are banned, recalled, or pose a health or safety hazard to a buyer.

Prohibited Adult Items

Sellers can list certain adult items except:

  • Content that is illegal
  • Sexual Services
  • Sexually explicit materials displaying sexual acts
  • Sexually explicit adult films with a rating of  XXX or unrated
  • Sexually explicit magazines, books and comics displaying sexual acts

Protecting Minors

  • We don’t allow listings that include images or descriptions of minors (anyone under 18) in a compromising situation, even when the listing is not intended to be sexual in nature.

Real Estate

  • Users are not allowed to list real estate for a third-party, unless you are a licensed real estate professional.
  • Real estate listings are not a binding offer to sell the property shown.


  • The sale or offer of services that are illegal or sexual aren’t allowed.

Slot Machines

  • Slot machines are not allowed to be sold on the EXPOSVRE Market.

Social Media

  • Selling product reviews, social media likes, followers, and similar services, is not allowed.

Stocks & Securities

  • The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulates the sale of stocks and other security interests and, as such, they can’t be sold on EXPOSVRE.

Stolen Property

  • The sale of stolen property is not allowed on EXPOSVRE.


  • E-cigarettes and their accessories, or items containing tobacco, are not allowed on EXPOSVRE.


The following travel items can’t be listed on EXPOSVRE:

  • Choices of lodging locations, airlines, cruise line or cruise points of departure or destination
  • Third party travel certificates and documents not issued directly by a provider of travel, but by travel wholesalers, consolidators or other intermediary travel sellers. These certificates generally offer the holder free or low-cost travel services with a choice of destination, hotel, resort, cruise line or airline
  • Travel club memberships
  • Resale of travel-related incentives such as awards, coupons, upgrades, etc that are subject to cancelation by the travel provider if resold

Used Clothing

  • Items must be clean and stain free
  • Used underwear and socks are not allowed.

Vehicle Parts

  • Vehicles, parts and accessories that don’t follow government regulations are not allowed.

Virtual Currency

  • Listings for virtual currency are not allowed

Reporting Prohibited Items:

If you see an item that may violate EXPOSVRE’s Prohibited Items Policy, please report it to customerservice@exposvre.com. If the item or experience does violate EXPOSVRE’s Prohibited Items Policy (add link to paragraph above), the seller will be notified by email that the item violated EXPOSVRE’s Prohibited Items Policy and as such, we removed the item from EXPOSVRE.